We may look like a typical law firm, but we’re not.
For more than a century, we’ve forged our own path to meet clients’ needs, and we’re never satisfied with the status quo. Our attorneys understand and value the importance of building relationships with our clients. By gaining a better understanding of their businesses and objectives we can provide the best possible legal representation.
Experience the difference with MVP Law.
Meet our Most Valuable People
David F. Menghini
David Menghini is a shareholder out of the firm’s Kansas City, Kansas, office. He handles workers’ compensation matters in the education, government, and manufacturing sectors. His expertise is evaluating claims and developing defense strategies to minimize exposure, as well as dealing with labor and employment related issues. David works closely with employers to help them develop return-to-work programs for injured workers with temporary restrictions. His understanding of workers’ compensation claims requiring Medicare set-aside compliance allows him to address Medicare issues during litigation, as well as in workers’ compensation settlements. Read More >Locations