At MVP Law’s Annual Shareholder meeting on January 25th, David Menghini and Greg Cook were elected to fill positions on the Board of Directors made vacant by term limits.
The firm remains under the leadership of Byron Bowles as President and CEO. A special thanks to former Board members Jodi Fox and Karl Wenger for their service over the last four years.

David Menghini is a shareholder out of the firm’s Kansas City, Kansas, office. He handles workers’ compensation matters in the education, government, and manufacturing sectors. His expertise is evaluating claims and developing defense strategies to minimize exposure, as well as dealing with labor and employment related issues. He and his wife, Beth, have four daughters and one son, who account for most of his free time.
Greg Cook is a shareholder in the firm’s St. Louis office and is a member of the civil litigation and insurance defense practice group. He has practiced his entire career with MVP Law. Greg’s practice focuses on defending clients in a variety of federal and state civil litigation, including complex litigation, commercial vehicle accidents, and wrongful death claims. Greg and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Webster Groves, Missouri and spend much of their free time with their three children.

The returning members of the Board of Directors include Byron Bowles, Rachel Brown, Shelley Wilson, Patrick Parr, Christopher Patt, and Greg Goheen.